Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Dear Heidi

Dear Heidi

Re your husband's recent article on Investigate Magazine Online titled "The Secret Life of the Minister for Social Development" please consider the validity and ethical nature of his alledged claims considering in the article's 'Ethical Guidelines' he unethically states:

13. That Green MP Sue Bradford’s labeling of pro-smacking campaigners as sexual deviants illustrates that sado-masochism is not regarded as normal, even among the Greens.

Which begs me to ask dear Heidi is your husband prone to lying or does he feel lying was justified in this article? For what Sue Bradford did say is:

"Personally, I have no problem with sadomasochism carried out between consenting adults using safe sex practices – what I do have a problem with is a legacy of hidden sexual violence practised on children and young people under a mantle of so-called discipline." http://www.greens.org.nz/searchdocs/speech10204.html

Which leads nicely on to his last bullet point:

16. That sado-masochism is recognized in psychology textbooks and journals as "destructive" and "a form of sexual perversion", "alongside behaviours such as child sexual abuse and rape" (Sexualities, Vol 4, No.3, 293-314, 2001) *

And when you are done asking him that dear Heidi, can you please ask him to point out to me where in the study cited does the word "destructive" and/or the phrase "a form of sexual perversion" appear in relation to sado-masochism?

Considering I have now searched the document a number of times and not having found these words, I am want to know why your husband Heidi, insults his readers in such a manner? If you or your husband dear Heidi are yet to read the study in it's entirity you can find a copy of it here: Sexualites Vol 4(3): 293–314, Taylor G & Ussher J, Making Sense of S&M: A Discourse Analytic Account http://sexualities.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/4/3/293

And while he's stumbling over his tongue trying to explain the moral thinking of man who would mislead his audience thus, dear Heidi can you please ask your husband for his thoughts on reporting fact vs fiction? As an example he states on page 6:

"given that BDSM is still listed by psychiatrists as a mental health problem."

Please bring to your husband's attention that BDSM is not listed in the American diagnosis list DMS-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) and never has been.

Guidelines for the diagnosis of Sexual Sadism (SS) or Sexual Masochism (SM) as paraphillias however are. But don't go popping the champagne just yet, for in 1994 the American Psychiatric Association's added modifying criteria that with both masochism and sadism, both A & B criteria for diagnosis must be met in order to make a diagnosis of a mental disorder. That is, the fact that you have SS or SM fantasies and urges "[they] must cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning" in order for a mental disorder or impariment to be diagnosed.

So can you please ask your husband dear Heidi why he is at pains to point out, wrongly I will add, to his readers that consensual sado-masochism is a paraphillia despite the fact that 12 years ago the DMS was modified to reflect the current psychiatric discourse that it was not, and that 11 years ago Denmark took the political decision that the disease classification for sado-masochism would no longer be used in the indexing of (psychiatric) diseases http://www.revisef65.org/denmark.html

Also dear Heidi your husband states in his article that:

"The psychology of sado-masochism has been covered in medical journals and psychology text books. "Sado-masochism is described as pathology in current psychological and psychiatric textbooks," write the authors of one scientific
study in the journal Sexualities, Vol 4, no 3, in 2001, "and is often discussed alongside behaviours such as child sexual abuse and rape. Individuals who engage in SM are invariably positioned as experiencing intra-psychic conflict ameliorated through the displacement of the sexual drive."" (pg 6)

However the abstract for the study that this part of his article quotes, the authors' readily go on to state that this "is a limited and one dimensional analysis of a complex phenomenon."

I can only assume dear Heidi your husband's idea of 'balanced reporting' is largely unbalanced in style and slant.

Taylor & Ussher further state that subsequent theories have therefore tended to concerntrate on the pathology of SM, in that "they have tended to assume priori that those who engage in SM are psychologically unwell, despite many empirical studies testifying to the relative psychological health of those who engage in SM".

The study further discusses the participants’ adherence to their own rituals and conventions, likening SM to religious flagellation and to "non-western spiritual practices involving the endurance and infliction of pain and suffering."

The references to non Western practices is worth further consideration given Dorothy Hayden, CSW, a New York-based psychotherapist who specializes in fetishes and sexual addiction states on her website,

"Mental health professionals in the west criticize Chinese and Soviet therapists for pathologizing people who hold political beliefs that are not normative. Western clinicians, however, make a similar mistake when they pathologize people who have unconventional sexual predilections and interests." http://www.sextreatment.com/bdsm.htm

Taylor & Ussher go on to state the accounts of SM presented in their study "cannot be seen in a vacuum" as they "reflect broader social trends in relation to sexuality and sexual expression" and suggest psychological theories "need to be able to incorporate variability, contradiction and dissent within their abstraction” and for theorists to remain aware of “ freedom and autonomy” of the individual, especially in regard to the role society and culture play “particularly in the definition, regulation and organization of sexuality".

The authors’ go on to suggest that any theorizing about sado-masochism "needs to be firmly grounded in the actual experiences and psychologies of persons who practice SM, rather than making judgmental a priori assumptions."

So while, dear Heidi, your husband professes on page 3 that the intention of his article was to “[not] blow the BDSM community wide open” and I am sure they are extremely thankful to him for that; he does appear to go to absurd lengths to (wrongly) pathologize the practice of BDSM to lend credence to his expose on the alledged sado-masochist activities one David Benson Pope as been that of a man not fit to hold public office.

So it begs the question dear Heidi. Do you agree with your beloved that adults indulging in unconventional consensual sexual activities should remain the domain of shame and public ridicule?

Thus I will leave you dear Heidi with this thought,

“Freedom of speech is like driving a car. We can do it recklessly or responsibly. We can do it without giving thought to its impact upon others, or we can do it carefully, safely, being tolerant of others. The reckless driver has the power to inflict serious injury and grief upon others.” http://www.stmatthews.org.nz/?sid=51&id=562

Mort Whitman


Mort Whitman said...


Dear Heidi's husband

Your response dear Heidi's husband does beg me to ask the following question of your wife.

Why dear Heidi does your husband insist on quoting, err make that selective quoting, first a study that both supports psychiatric tolerance and further investigation of consensual sado-masochism activities when diagnosing paraphillias when said paraphillias are practiced between informed adults and suggests past and current psychiatric discourse is "a limited and onedimensional
analysis of a complex phenomenon"? And then in a reactionary reply to my posting my findings of the study cited in the article by your husband dear Heidi he cut & pastes another psychiatrist's article supporting the study's conclusion? Is there something dear Heidi that your beloved is not sharing with the group?

Nevermind answering that dear Heidi, unlike your dear husband Heidi I do not condone the practice of publically calling for someone to defend, confirm or deny their sexual proclivities. And unlike your husband dear Heidi I am not keen to baffle your husband dear Heidi's readers with information they can readily source themselves if the notion of consensual sado-masochism as a paraphillia interests them.

So where that leaves us my dear Heidi in light of your husband's response dear Heidi, is my begging to know when will your husband dear Heidi accept responsibility for the leaps of hysteria made in his latest Benson Pope expose` that have left him wide open to be called to task on the lack of journalistic integrity shown in said article?

I am sure I will positively pee my pants waiting for your husband dear Heidi to succinctly defend this lastest story without once again insulting his readers' intelligence. Because questions have been raised and said article's author, that would be your husband dear Heidi, lack of personal and journalisitic integrity is clear to many in the conclusions it asks it's readers to make based on false information.

So until that time dear Heidi, I am inclined to continue my thoughts that the article a Flounder, as in it lies like a flat fish.


Unknown said...

Mort...here's some more discussion on the point:

Is Sadomasochism a Destructive Form of Sex?
Resources used to support "Yes"
Sadomasochism is a humiliating and degrading form of sexual perversion practiced by those who suffer from emotional problems. Studies have shown that prior emotional, sexual, and/or physical abuse can contribute to a person's need to engage in this sel f- destructive behavior. There are two roles in the sadomasochistic setting. The dominant person (sadist) who derives sexual pleasure by degrading, humiliating, binding and/or inflicting pain upon his/her sex partner, and the submissive partner (masoch ist) who receives this mistreatment, and in the process, claims to derive sexual pleasure. Unfortunately, death has resulted from this form of sex-play. It is my belief that sadomasochism is a dangerous form of sex-play and should be addressed as a perversion that requires psychological therapy.

S/M roleplaying
The author of this article gives her a summary of sadomasochism and debates whether or not it is a safe role playing activity, or a destructive sexual practice.
Question and answer format designed to inform the curious about sadomasochism. This article emphasizes the need for safe practice to avoid danger in s/m sex relationships.
Adler, Hildegard (1994). Horigkeit: eine neurotische perversion. Psyche: Zeitschrift fur Psychoanalyse und ihre Anwendungen, 48, (9-10), 886-903.
Argues that the perversion of bondage in sadomasochism appears in external realities. The incidence of masochistic perversion is illustrated in the trasference and counter transference processes in analysis.
Blos Jr. MD, Peter. (1991) Sadomasochism and the defense against recall of painful affect. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 39(2), 417- 429.
Presentation that transference often occurs, in that, the patient views him/herself as a victim in analysis and considers the therapist as the inflictor. Concurrently, counter transference can occur. The patient's past experience with trauma and seperati on seem to account for this action.
Gagnier, Terril T.; Robertiello, Richard C. (1993). Sado-masochism as a defense against merging: six case studies. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy, 23, (3), 183-192.
Results of a study involving six patients who displayed sadomasochism in the sexual forum and/or in interpersonal relationships as an expression of a fear of merging. Subjects had extreme difficulty abandoning the destructive relationships.
Haney, Curtis; Banks, Curtis; Zimbardo, Philip (1973) Interpersonal Dynamics in a Simulated Prison. International Journal of Criminology and Penology, 1, 69-97.

Kernberg, Otto F. (1993) Sadomasochismus sexuelle Erregung und Perversion. Zeitschrift fur Psychoanalytische Theorie und Praxis. 8(4), 319-34
Discusses sadomasochism as a perversion. Classifies the perversion from a normal sexual relationship to perversions that are destructive and seen in severe psychopathologies.
Levitt Ph.D., Eugene E.; Moser Ph.D., Charles; and Jamison MSW, Karen V. (1994) The prevalence and some attributes of females in the sadomasochistic subculture: a second report. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 23 (4).
Study showing that nonprostitute women are rare in the sadomasochism subculture. It is also revealed that the majority of females (prostitutes) involved in sadomasochism are unmarried and better educated than the general public.
Minerbo, Marion. Sobre a perversao da etica. Percurso: Revista de Psicanalise, 7,(13), 65-70.
Discussion supporting a contention that all addictions are symptoms of sexual deviations, in which, a person builds his/her own world. Masochistic and sadistic behaviors are regarded as sexual obsessions. Quotes from Dostoyevsky's autobiographical works a re employed to support this belief.
Richards, Arlene K. (1992) Bisexuality, perversion and childhood sexual abuse. Issues in Ego Psychology, 15, (1), 33-43.
Case report in which a 24-year old woman was treated for perversity in bisexual wavering. Results show that early childhood abuse led to the sadomasochistic enactments.
Ribas, Denys (1992). La mort pervers: Desidentification primaire, adhesivite et pulsion de mort dans les perversions. Revue Francaise de Psychanalyse, 56, 1665-1671.
Discusses the role of disidentification and adhesive identity in perversions. Also shows a relationship between perversion and the death instinct. Uses the death of an artist to exemplify the constant threat of death when perversion is involved.
Simon, William (1994) Deviance as history: the future of perversion. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 23, (1), 1-19.
Explains how social constructionism is related to sexual deviance and sexual perversion. Both are seen in relation to nonsexual and sexual discourse. As society changes, so will the conceptions of masturbation, homosexuality, pedophilia, and sadomasochi sm.
Tomassini, Massimo. (1992) Desidentification primaire, angoisse de seperation et formation de la structure perverse. Review Francaise de Psychanalyse. 56, 1541-1614.
Conference presentation linking sadomasochism with a person's inability to tolerate seperation from and disidentification with his/her love objects. Reviews nine clinical cases in which a traumatic seperation from or abandonment of, a love object, result ed in perversion.
Vincent, Michel. (1992) Les temps de la perversion. Review Francaise de Psychanalyse. 56, 1685-1692.
Commentary on a conference presentation where sadomasochism is correlated with the development of the ego in adolescence. Discusses possibilities of encountering this perversion in analysis.
Bullough, Vern ed.; Weinberg, Thomas S. Masochism. Human Sexuality an Encyclopedia. Garland Publishing Inc., N.Y. and London, (1994). pp. 377-379
Definition of masochism. Describes the submissive person who accepts torment from another. This is usually in a sexual setting.
Bullough, Vern ed.; Weinberg, Thomas S. Sadism. Human Sexuality an Encyclopedia. Garland Publishing Inc., N.Y. and London, (1994). pp. 527-528.
Definition of Sadism. Involves the humiliation, degradation, beating, and/or binding, to inflict pain upon another, while deriving sexual pleasure.
Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 4th ed. American Psychiatric Association, Washington D.C. (1995), pp. 529-530.
Lists criteria for diagnosing sadism and masochism as an illness. A clinically significant distress involving social, occupational, or other important areas of function, along with recurring sadomasochistic arousal fantasies are involved in the diagnoses.
Francoer, Robert, T. Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Controversial Issues in Human Sexuality. Guilford, Conn., Duskin Publishing Group, Inc., (1994), p.50.
Francour, Robert ed. The Complete Dictionary of Sexology. The Continuum Publishing Co., N.Y., (1995). p.556.
Definition of sadomasochism entailing sadistic and masochistic behaviors that are usually acted out sexually.
Linden, Robin Ruth. Against Sadomasochism: A Radical Feminist Analysis. U.S.A., Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data, (1982). pp. 7-10.